‘Wilson 50’ Kurume Azaleas

‘Wilson 50’ Kurume Azaleas

and Caerhays

Please use the gallery below to see more images of Wilson’s 50 Azaleas, there are more images in the gallery below than contained in document above.


Page 1 – A.‘Aya Kammuri’ to A.‘Irohayama’
Page 2 – A.‘Kasane Kagaribi’ to A.‘Otome’
Page 3 – A.‘Otome’ to A.‘Yorozuyo’
Page 4 – A.‘Yorozuyo’

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The RHS Rhododendron Group pictures of the Wilson 50 as shown at Wisley in 2017

Polly Cooke has kindly sent me a set of photographs from a Wisley display which are far more extensive and complete than our own efforts here. As near to the definitive pictorial list of the Wilson 50 as anyone can currently obtain today. You can quickly see that a few of the RHS Wilson 50 pictures are quite different to those in my article. However, after the photographs, I also attach Polly’s email to me which contains the now well-known caveats about growing these azaleas in sun as opposed to shade and the flower colour variations that different locations, weather conditions and different aged plants can produce.

The background to writing my own article was that I could find no accurate or comprehensive set of photographs of the Wilson 50 online. Thanks to Polly, I am now rather closer to perhaps being able to try to identify some of the other surviving 100-year-old plants from the original Wilson 50 which arrived at Caerhays in the 1920s.

NOTE : Copyright of the images below and email are with Polly Cooke, no reproduction or use without her consent.

Click for larger pdf of this image - NOTE : Copyright Polly Cooke, no reproduction or use without her consent.
Click for larger pdf of this image -  NOTE : Copyright Polly Cooke, no reproduction or use without her consent.
Click for larger pdf of this image -  NOTE : Copyright Polly Cooke, no reproduction or use without her consent.