Stewartia colour in late autumn at Caerhays

Stewartia colour in late autumn at Caerhays

Charles in the garden in mid-november looking at the amazing autumnal colour provided by three Stewartia. 0:00 – Stewartia rostrata 0:40 – Stewartia monodelpha 1:33 – Stewartia x henryii Stewartia colours in autumn - CaerhaysWatch this video on...
Youtube test page

Youtube test page

Welcome to our youtube playlist page. We have several playlists. Just click the list to start the latest video playing and then you can access the complete playlist by pressing the three line hamburger menu option. Playlist: CHW's weekly vlogsWatch this playlist...

Camellia sasanqua hybrids in November – Part 2

This week Charles continues his story on Camellia sasanqua but this time featuring five hybrids which are looking good at the moment in mid-November. 0:00 – Camellia sasanqua ‘Narumigata’ 3:01 – Camellia sasanqua ‘Sparkling Burgundy’ 4:13 – Camellia...
Scented Rhododendrons at Caerhays

Scented Rhododendrons at Caerhays

Charles in the garden talking about the wonders of scented Rhododendrons, if only ‘smelly vision’ was possible. The have been in flower in the gardens at Caerhays over the past couple of months, they don’t all flower at the same time, but they all...