We were delighted to receive the following notification from the International Camellia Society recently…
International Camellia Society (ICS) Committee for Historic Camellia Conservation (CHCC), to inform you that we have agreed to award Caerhays Castle for the Significant Historic Ornamental Camellia Tree Collection as presented in your application earlier this year. Please convey our congratulations to Mr Williams, with a special thanks for the substantial work in compiling this application. Needless to say, our Committee was singularly impressed and delighted.
I will in the New Year work on the precise wording (and coding) of this award which we hope to announce in 2024, followed by the formal presentation of this award at our 2025 Congress in Tokyo in March 2025.
Will keep you posted and all our best wishes for the Christmas season and for the New Year.
Again congratulations
Dr Stephen Utick
Vice President ICS (Oceania)