Early March in the garden

Early March in the garden

Charles in the at the weekend in early March, with following plants to tempt you. 0:00​ – Magnolia campbellii ‘Valentine’s Torch’ 2:12​ – Magnolia ‘Caerhays Belle’ (seedling) and Rhododendron ‘Cornish Red’ and Rhododendron grande 3:02​ – Magnolia...
Exercise or Pleasure at Caerhays

Exercise or Pleasure at Caerhays

From the 12th March you can visit Caerhays in groups of 2 for pleasure, not just singly for exercise as is the case at the moment. In April you will be allowed 6 from one household, meeting 6 from another household and maybe even a cup of tea together! Come and...
Gardens open from Sunday 14th Feb

Gardens open from Sunday 14th Feb

Charles in the garden happily showing what can be seen if you come to visit us next week. We are opening, however only to locals, so please do not travel half the country to visit us, as much as we would like to see you all. Gardens open from 10:00am on Sunday 14th...
Four Magnolias out now

Four Magnolias out now

Charles in the garden with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Magnolias out in the garden and a quick relook the 1st one, adding to the total needed of 50 for spring to be announced. 0:00​ – Magnolia campbellii alba ‘Strybing White’ 2:01​ – Magnolia...
Daphne bholua in January

Daphne bholua in January

Here at Caerhays in mid January 2021, Charles is discussing 5 lovely scented (oh for smellie vision) Daphne. 0:00 – Daphne bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’ 3:19 – Daphne bholua ‘Darjeeling’ 4:06 – Daphne bholua...
First Magnolia colour of the year

First Magnolia colour of the year

Charles in the garden in the 2nd week of January 2021, looking at the early colour showing on the buds of this lovely Magnolia ‘Todd’s Forty Niner’, usually one of the earliest in flower at the castle.
Five Sarcococca at Caerhays

Five Sarcococca at Caerhays

Just after Christmas Charles was in the garden looking at Sarcococca for a change! 0:00 – S. hookeriana var digyna 1:50 – S. wallichii 2:44 – S. orientalis 3:50 – S. ruscifolia 5:19 – S. saligna Five different species of Sarcococca -...

Part 3 – Camellia sasanqua at Caerhays

Continuing our feature on sasanqua camellias at Caerhays, today we are looking at five more unusual ones: 0:00 – Camellia sasanqua ‘Paradise Blush’ 1:33 – Camellia sasanqua ‘Gay Border’ 2:41 – Camellia sasanqua ‘Sugar Dream 3:55 – Camellia...

x williamsii camellias in flower

Charles in the garden looking at the wonderful x williamsii Camellias currently in flower in mid-November. Early flowering forms of camellia williamsiiWatch this video on YouTube 0:00 – C. x williamsii ‘ November Pink’ which started flowering in October 2:16...

Camellia sasanqua hybrids in November – Part 2

This week Charles continues his story on Camellia sasanqua but this time featuring five hybrids which are looking good at the moment in mid-November. 0:00 – Camellia sasanqua ‘Narumigata’ 3:01 – Camellia sasanqua ‘Sparkling Burgundy’ 4:13 – Camellia...